My very first post…

I’ve always been a desultory journal keeper at best, full of the good intentions on January 1st of any given year and then tailing off as the year progresses. My butterfly nature tends to distract me from such disciplined pursuits. But I am determined to give it another go in this new blog of mine.  Let’s see if renaming and repurposing diary to blog has the power keep me on task!

 Of course, this page is not strictly a journal because it isn’t about my rather humdrum day-to-day existence (i.e. sit at the laptop and write). It’s more of an eclectic wander through some of the more fascinating back stories behind the scenes of my novels. In all my years of researching, I have stumbled down unexpected rabbit holes, unearthing long forgotten facts that have certainly amused, informed and entertained me. Some of these details made it into my novels, others did not, but this mountain of material all played its part in setting the scene and recreating the world of Penang Chronicles. It occurred to me that readers might like to share some of these little gems with me. Please feel free to comment, especially if you have some nuggets to add to my posts. I would love this to be an active forum for sharing information and asking questions.

 A blog is also a useful place to post news. As my third novel, ‘Emporium’ is soon to be released, watch this space for updates and links about when you will be able to get hold of your copy. Towards the end of the year, I will also be doing a few events to launch Emporium, in Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Adelaide, which has a particular link to the Light family. Keep checking the website and blog for further details!


The Green Canister